The net takeoff
flightpath must clears all obstacles by either 35 feet vertically or
200 feet laterally inside the airport boundary, or 300 feet laterally
outside the airport boundary. To operate at the required lateral
clearance, the operator must account for factors that could cause a
difference between the intended and actual flightpaths and between
their corresponding ground tracks. For example, it cannot be assumed
that the ground track coincides with the extended runway centerline
without considering such factors as wind and available course
guidance (reference paragraph 14). This AC will focus on two
methods that may be used to identify and ensure clearance
of critical obstacles: the Area Analysis Method and Flight Track
Analysis Method.
The two methods may be
used in conjunction with each other on successive portions of the
analysis. For example, an operator may choose to use an area
analysis for the initial portion of the takeoff analysis,
followed by a flight track analysis, and then another area analysis.
a. The Area Analysis
Method defines an obstacle accountability area (OAA) within which all
obstacles must be cleared vertically. The OAA is centered on the
intended flight track and is Page 6 Par 8 5/5/06 AC 120-91
acceptable for use without accounting for factors that may affect the
actual flight track relative to the intended track, such as wind and
available course guidance.
b. The Flight Track
Analysis Method is an alternative means of defining an OAA based on
the navigational capabilities of the aircraft. This methodology
requires the operator to evaluate the effect of wind and available
course guidance on the actual ground track. While this method is
more complicated, it can result in an area smaller than the
OAA produced by the Area Analysis Method.

(1) The width of the OAA
is 0.0625D feet on each side of the intended track (where D is the
distance along the intended flightpath from the end of the
runway in feet), except when
limited by the following
minimum and maximum widths.
(2) The minimum width of
the OAA is 200 feet on each side of the intended track within the
airport boundaries, and 300 feet on each side of the
intended track outside the airport boundaries.
(3) The maximum width of
the OAA is 2,000 feet on each side of the intended track.
b. During departures
involving turns of the intended track or when the airplane heading is
more than 15 degrees from the extended runway centerline heading, the
following criteria apply:
(1) The initial straight
segment, if any, has the same width as a straight-out departure.
(2) The width of the OAA
at the beginning of the turning segment is the greater of:
(a) 300 feet on each side
of the intended track.
(b) The width of the OAA
at the end of the initial straight segment, if there is one.
(c) The width of the
end of the immediately preceding segment, if there is one,
analyzed by the Flight Track Analysis Method.
(3) Thereafter in
straight or turning segments, the width of the OAA increases
by 0.125D feet on each side of the intended track (where D
is the distance along the intended flightpath from the
beginning of the first turning segment in feet), except when limited
by the following maximum width:
(4) The maximum width
of the OAA is 3,000 feet on each side of the intended
c. The following apply
to all departures analyzed with the Area Analysis Method:
(1) A single intended
track may be used for analysis if it is representative of operational
procedures. For turning departures, this implies the bank
angle is varied to keep a constant turning radius with varying
(2) Multiple intended
tracks may be accommodated in one area analysis by
increasing the OAA width accordingly. In a turn, the specified OAA
half-widths (i.e., one-half of the OAA maximum width) should be
applied to the inside of the minimum turn radius and the outside of
the maximum turn radius. An average turn radius may be used to
calculate distances along the track.
(3) The distance to an
obstacle within the OAA should be measured along the intended track
to a point abeam the obstacle.
(4) When an operator
uses the Area Analysis Method, the operator does not need
to separately account for crosswind, instrument error, or flight
technical error within the OAA.
(5) Obstacles prior to
the end of the runway need not be accounted for, unless a turn is
made prior to the end of the runway.
(6) One or more turns of
less than 15 degrees each, with an algebraic sum of not more than a
15 degree change in heading or track, may be analyzed as a
straight-out departure.
(7) No accountability is
needed for the radius of the turn or gradient loss in the turn for a
turn with a 15 degree or less change in heading or track.
The Flight Track
Analysis Method involves analyzing the ground track of the
flightpath. This paragraph discusses factors that the operator must
consider in performing a Flight Track Analysis.
a. Pilotage in Turns.
The operator should
consider the ability of a pilot to initiate and maintain a
desired speed and bank angle in a turn. Assumptions used here should
be consistent with pilot training and qualification programs.
b. Winds.
(1) When using the
Flight Track Analysis Method while course guidance is not
available, operators should take into account winds that may cause
the airplane to drift off the intended track.
(2) The operator should
take into account the effect of wind on the takeoff flightpath, in
addition to making the headwind and tailwind component corrections to
the takeoff gross weight used in a straight-out departure.
(3) When assessing the
effect of wind on a turn, the wind may be held constant
in velocity and direction throughout the analysis unless known local
weather phenomena indicate otherwise.
(4) If wind gradient
information is available near the airport and flightpath (e.g., wind
reports in mountainous areas adjacent to the flightpath), the
operator should take that information into account in the development
of a procedure.
Source: AC No: 120-91 Airport Obstacle Analysis
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