Monday, June 17, 2013


SLTJ is located in Bolivia-South America at coordinates of S21 33 21 and W064 42 05 in a mountanious area sorrounded by high terrains as shown in Figure 1. The area is surrounded by high mountains with several valleys.

Figure 1. 3D view of SLTJ airport surrounding area.

Normally for this type of airport, tt's RTOW (regulated takeoff weight) is very limited. For this analysis we will use an A320 aircraft. The RTOW for straight out departure is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. The A320 RTOW for straight out takeoff .

The manufacture MTOW for this aircraft is around 78 ton, but RTOW chart shown that for Conf 2, 20 deg C and 0 wind the aircraft MTOW is 55.2 ton. In order to ease this limitation, an EOSID is required to increase the RTOW.

We designed an EOSID based on a guideline from AC 120-91 from FAA and CAAP 235-4(0) from CASA Australia. Since there is a mountain ahead of runway 13, we designed a procedure which climb to certain altitude then it turns back to TAR VOR. We also decided to end the procedure at the holding at TAR VOR which later on pilot can choose between back to land or continue to enroute. But the aircraft need to gain the holding altitude, thus we add in climb procedure to north of airport and turn back to join the holding.

The proposed EOSID for runway 13 is "Climb at runway heading. At D2 TAR turn LEFT 15 degree bank to mag track 095 degree. At D6 TAR turn RIGHT max 20 degree bank remain within D10 TAR direct to TAR. At TAR turn LEFT intercept R010 TAR. At D6 TAR turn LEFT max 20 degree bank remain within D10 TAR to join TAR holding climb to 18,000 ft. (RIGHT turn, 180 degree inbound, 1.5 minutes leg)" as shown in Figure 2 and 3.

Figure 2. The 2D view of the EOSID.
Figure 3. The 3D view of the EOSID.

The terrain considered along the EOSID flight path is shown in Figure 4 and tabulated in Table 2. Distance and height are refered to the beginning of runway. Correction height is applied due to loss of gradient during a turn.

Figure 4. Terrain along the EOSID.

Table 2. Significant terrain along the EOSID.
The resulted RTOW of an A320 aircraft with the EOSID procedure is shown in Table 3. The MTOW is increased significantly to 65.4 ton.

Table 3. The A320 RTOW for the EOSID takeoff .

Visualization of this EOSID can be downloaded here. It is required to download the aircraft model here and put all in one folder. It is in a kml format and can be viewed in google earth. It consists of multiple views. Some screenshots can be viewed below! Enjoy!!!


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